Aug 29th 2016

What's Keeping You Up at Night? Part 2

There are so many things that could be affecting your sleep and keeping you up at night, and some of them may even surprise you!

At CPAP Liquidators, we offer many used CPAP machines in our online store that could help you get a better night’s sleep if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. However, just because you are getting treatment for your sleep apnea, it doesn’t mean that you’ll always sleep like a baby. If you find that you still have trouble sleeping, there could be a whole host of things keeping you up at night. Check out our last blog to learn about a few things that could be keeping you up, and keep reading to learn more:

#4. Poor Air Quality

If you live in a highly polluted area, it could actually make your sleep apnea more severe. One study conducted by The Harvard School of Public Health found that breathing problems during sleep are increased by air pollution. If you live in a highly polluted area, you need to think about installing an air filtration system.

#5. Spicy Food

Are you the type of person who puts hot sauce on everything? Unfortunately, your love of spicy foods could hinder your sleep. As we discussed in our last blog, your body’s core temperature gets lowered when you fall asleep. Since spicy food raises your body’s temperature, it could prevent you from falling asleep. Spicy food can also lead to heartburn, which could wake you up at night.

In our next blog, we’ll be going over the last few things that could be keeping you up at night, so please check back to learn more!