Oct 31st 2016

10 Terrifying Facts About Sleep Apnea Part 4

Halloween is, hands down, the scariest day of the year, but many sleep apnea sufferers deal with real horrors every single night.

Whatever your plans are this Halloween, whether you choose to fight for your survival in a haunted house or you stay in to face the likes of Freddy Krueger, Ghostface or Norman Bates, the fun frights you will experience are nothing compared to the real-life horrors people who have sleep apnea face. In our previous blog, we went over some of the most terrifying facts about sleep apnea. Here are the last few sleep apnea facts that are scary enough to keep you up at night.

#8. Children with sleep apnea often struggle in school.

When most people think of sleep apnea sufferers, they imagine middle-aged, overweight men, and while men fitting this description certainly have a higher chance of developing sleep apnea, people of all ages, genders and body types suffer from sleep apnea, even children. Only about five percent of children develop sleep apnea, but those who do score, on average, 11 percent lower on science, math and language arts tests than those who don’t have sleep apnea.

#9. If your CPAP mask doesn’t fit properly, it can lead to trouble.

Finding the right fit for your CPAP mask is absolutely essential. Not only is an ill-fitting CPAP mask uncomfortable, it can also destroy the natural alignment and position of your jaw and teeth, which can further close your airways and complicate your sleep apnea.

#10. A lack of sleep can affect every area of your life.

When you don’t get enough sleep, you are hindering your overall quality of life. A lack of sleep can lead to memory issues, constant fatigue, an inability to stay alert, career issues and relationship stress, as well as a long list of medical complications.

You don’t have to face the horrors of sleep apnea alone! Talk to your doctor about your treatment options, then shop with us online at CPAP Liquidators to save more with our new and used CPAP and BIPAP machines.