Apr 5th 2022

4 Must-Have CPAP Accessories

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from sleep apnea, you know that CPAP therapy is a life-changer. CPAP therapy involves using a CPAP machine to help you breathe better at night, which in turn helps you get a good night's sleep. But did you know that there are also many CPAP accessories available that can make your experience even better? In this blog post, we will discuss four must-have CPAP accessories that you can order from our site at CPAP Liquidators. Keep reading to learn more!

Cleaning Products

Using the right cleaning products for your CPAP or BiPAP machine is extremely important for your health and safety. It's easy to know that you're using cleaning products that are safe by purchasing some that are made specifically for your sleep apnea machine. Otherwise, it's best to stick to warm, soapy water for daily cleaning and use vinegar to disinfect, when needed.

Tube Management

Tangled CPAP tubes can restrict airflow, and tubes that are consistently bent may become damaged over time. Either way, not investing in tube management accessories for your CPAP or BiPAP machine can lead to your sleep apnea not being treated properly. Instead, there are plenty of accessories made for managing your CPAP tubes, including the Hose Buddy.

Humidifier or Water Chamber

As you use your CPAP or BiPAP machine at night, your nasal passageways may become overwhelmed and congested, leading them to become drier than normal when you wake up. If this sounds familiar, consider investing in a CPAP humidifier or water chamber. This will add some moisture to each breath, helping you sleep more comfortably and wake up feeling more refreshed than ever.

Mask Pillows

Last but certainly not least, to ensure your CPAP or BiPAP machine is comfortable to sleep with all night, get some mask pillows or cushions. Mask pillows sit between the straps of the mask and your face, providing a bit of cushioning to ensure your CPAP or BiPAP mask fits comfy all night long.

If you're looking for CPAP or BiPAP accessories, CPAP Liquidators has got you covered! Check out our inventory of new and certified refurbished CPAP and BiPAP machines and accessories online today.