How More Sleep Could Change Your Life

Dec 14th 2016

How More Sleep Could Change Your Life


If you’ve been suffering from sleep apnea, you may not understand how beneficial sleep is.

Sleep apnea is such a common disorder, and the scary part about it is that many of the people who suffer from it have no idea that they even have it. That means that, if you are living with sleep apnea, you may not even know what a good night of sleep feels like or how beneficial it can be. Here at CPAP, we provide used BIPAP and CPAP machines that can have a tremendous impact on your ability to sleep, because we know just how important it is. Here are just a few of the many ways that getting more sleep could change your life for the better:

#1. Your attention will be sharper.

Do you find yourself constantly trying to reign in your attention when you’re in the office or working through your daily to-do list? If your attention span just isn’t what you need it to be, then a lack of sleep may be to blame. When you are able to sleep more, it can help to improve your ability to pay attention and focus.

#2. You’ll be able to handle stress better.

For many people, stress is a constant part of life. Whether you are stressed out about a traffic ticket, an upcoming deadline at work or finding the perfect gift for your spouse for the holidays, it can be difficult to cope with stress when you are sleep deprived, making daily stressors seems overblown and overwhelming. Luckily, when you sleep more, it also helps you cope with stress more effectively.

#3. You’ll have an easier time maintaining a healthy weight.

Sleep deprivation affects your weight in several ways. First, when you don’t get enough sleep, it’s more difficult to choose healthier food options. You are more likely to choose high-calorie foods when you’re tired, because your body is looking for easy energy sources, and it releases hormones that trigger appetite. Second, sleep deprivation leads to muscle loss. The less muscle you have, the lower your resting metabolic rate will be, which means that your body will burn fewer calories at rest.

#4. You’ll be able to remember more.

Contrary to popular belief, your mind isn’t just resting while you sleep; it’s busy strengthening your memories and practicing the skills you learned during the hours that you were awake. If you just can’t seem to remember anything, your sleep troubles may be to blame, but the good news is that more sleep could help to improve your memory.

As you can see, sleep apnea and sleep deprivation don’t just make you sleepy during the day; they come with real consequences that can affect your day-to-day life in many different ways. BIPAP therapy is an incredible sleep apnea treatment that has helped transform the lives of many people with improved sleep quality. These are just a few of the many ways that sleeping more on a regular basis could improve your health and life, and if you would like to learn about more ways sleep could help, stay tuned for our next blog.