Jul 1st 2016

Sleep Apnea in Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are prone to many sleep issues.

It’s no secret that sleep can be difficult to come by during pregnancy, and it is quite common for pregnant women to deal with sleep disorders, such as restless leg syndrome, insomnia and nocturnal GERD. These sleep disorders are so common in pregnant women that they are considered to be normal, but some women develop obstructive sleep apnea, and it can be problematic for both the mother and the baby alike.

What causes obstructive sleep apnea in pregnant women?

One of the biggest risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea in pregnant women is being overweight or obese. Approximately 15 percent of obese women who are pregnant suffer from sleep apnea, and being overweight during pregnancy increases your risk for developing obstructive sleep apnea. Weight gain and hormonal changes can also lead to obstructive sleep apnea during pregnancy. The increase in estrogen leads to the swelling and constricting of the mucus membrane that lines the airway, and during the third trimester, weight gain can also restrict the airways. Additionally, if you have gestational diabetes, you also have a higher risk for developing obstructive sleep apnea.

Now that you know about the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in pregnant women and what can cause it, it’s time to learn about the dangers of untreated sleep apnea during pregnancy and the treatment options available. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn more, and be sure to shop with us for the best used CPAP machines!