Jul 22nd 2016

The Benefits of Using CPAP or BIPAP Machines Part 2

Whether you use a BIPAP or CPAP machine, sleep apnea therapy is beneficial in so many ways.

At CPAP Liquidators, we are proud to be your source for new and used BIPAP and CPAP machines. However, we also know that getting used to using these machines can be a long process, and many people end up giving up on sleep apnea therapy. Sleep apnea therapy has so many incredible benefits, and in our last blog, we went over a few of them. Here are a few more reasons to regularly use your BIPAP or CPAP machine:

#4. Your partner will sleep better.

Has your partner been cranky lately? One of the most common signs of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring, and this snoring can keep your partner up all night. No one wants to have to live with a partner who is grumpy, and when you utilize your BIPAP or CPAP machine, both you and your partner will sleep better!

#5. It aids in controlling and preventing diabetes.

Did you know that sleep deprivation is actually associated with insulin resistance? Sleep apnea increases your risk for developing diabetes, and in those who already have it, sleep apnea can make it more difficult to control. Sleep apnea therapy can reduce insulin resistance and lead to steadier blood glucose levels.

#6. It can ease the symptoms of depression.

While sleep disorders themselves aren’t linked to depression, sleep deprivation does play a role. When you improve your sleep quality, it can also help to improve your mood.

Learn about more of the benefits of sleep apnea treatment when you stay tuned for our next blog.