Jul 25th 2016

The Benefits of Using CPAP or BIPAP Machines Part 3

Sleep apnea therapy takes some getting used to, but it comes with so many benefits.

Using a used CPAP or BIPAP machine can be uncomfortable, especially at first, and it can take some getting used to. It can be so difficult to get accustomed to sleep apnea therapy that many people just give up. However, there are many reasons to keep at it, and sleep apnea therapy is beneficial in many exciting ways. Check out our last blog to learn about the benefits of sleep apnea therapy that we’ve already covered, and keep reading to learn more:

#7. It reduces your risk for hearing loss.

One study has recently found that people who suffer from sleep apnea have a 90 percent higher risk of developing hearing loss compared with those who do not have sleep apnea. Luckily, sleep apnea therapy can help reduce this risk.

#8. It enhances memory and other cognitive functions.

If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to problems with short-term memory. The improved sleep quality that comes from the use of a BIPAP or CPAP machine can lead to an improvement in short-term memory and other cognitive functions.

#9. It will help you save more money in the long run.

If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, it puts you at a higher risk for everything from hypertension to diabetes, but sleep apnea therapy can reduce those risks. By preventing these health concerns, you’ll save more money, and you'll improve your health.

Are you ready to start experiencing the amazing benefits of sleep apnea therapy? If so, order your very own used CPAP or BIPAP machine today!