Aug 22nd 2016

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation Part 3

If left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can lead to chronic sleep deprivation, and that can come with many consequences.

A lack of sleep for one night will leave you feeling grumpy and groggy the next morning, but if you miss too many nights of sleep, the potential consequences become much more severe. That’s why, if you have sleep apnea, it's important to get the treatment you need. Without treatment, sleep deprivation, as well as the consequences that come with it, is your fate. If you haven’t already, check out our last blog to learn about some of the consequences of sleep deprivation. Here are a couple more consequences of sleep deprivation:

#5. It can lead to depression.

Many sleep disorders have been linked to anxiety and depression. Sleep deprivation can exaggerate the symptoms of depression, and there is even a link between sleep deprivation and the development of depression. One study found that people who suffer from insomnia are five times more likely to develop depression than those who don’t.

#6. It can shorten your life.

There are more than 700 genetic changes that can occur because of chronic sleep deprivation, and each one could affect your health significantly. Diabetes and heart disease are just a couple of the health problems that can occur because of sleep deprivation, and many studies have shown that people who get more sleep tend to live longer lives.

Don’t leave your sleep apnea untreated! Get the sleep apnea treatment you need to fight sleep deprivation with CPAP Liquidators. We have a huge selection of used BIPAP and CPAP machines, so shop with us today!