Sep 12th 2016

The Low-Down on Snoring Part 2

Snoring isn’t just a minor annoyance; it could be a sign of sleep apnea!

Have you had a chance to read our last blog yet? If you have, then you already know a thing or two about snoring. While some may think of snoring as just another annoyance, it isn’t always so innocent, and it’s important to educate yourself about snoring if you or your spouse snore. The following is a list of a couple more things that you need to know about snoring:

#4. Smoking makes it worse.

People who smoke are more likely to snore, and if you already snore, smoking could make it worse. When you smoke, it increases the inflammation in your throat and increases the chance of airway collapse as you sleep. Although it’s wise to quit smoking altogether for a plethora of reasons, not smoking before bed could help to ease snoring.

#5. Sleeping on your side may help.

Did you know that sleeping on your back can cause you to snore? Thanks to gravity, your tongue can fall backwards while you are asleep, blocking your airway. Instead of sleeping on your back, try sleeping on your side. If you need help staying on your side, sew a tennis ball into the back of your pajamas so that you won’t roll over while sleeping.

While snoring can definitely be annoying, it isn’t just a minor annoyance. If you are a snorer and you think that sleep apnea might be to blame, schedule an appointment with your doctor and talk to him or her about sleep apnea therapy. With our huge selection of used BIPAP and CPAP machines, you can get the treatment you need without breaking the bank!