Jun 14th 2017

The Top 10 Most Common CPAP Problems

Are you having trouble overcoming common CPAP problems?

If you are new to using a CPAP machine, and you’re having trouble getting used to it, you’re not alone. In fact, CPAP compliance is widely poor, and here at CPAP Liquidators, we believe that at least part of the reason for this is that many new users aren’t given the right equipment or information to overcome the common problems they often experience. But luckily, the experts at CPAP Liquidators are here to help. Here are the top 10 most common CPAP problems, as well as what you can do to overcome them:

#1. Your mask is too big, small, or uncomfortable.

Nothing will keep you up at night like an uncomfortable mask will, but the good news is that this problem is easily solved by finding the right mask. But before you look into buying another mask, try adjusting the one you have when you’re lying down in your sleeping position. If you adjust your mask while sitting or standing up, it might not be the best fit, because your facial muscles change slightly when you lie down and relax.

#2. Your mouth, nose and/or throat always feel dry.

When air is constantly being forced into your mouth or nose, it has a way of making you feel extremely dry. But this problem is also easily fixed; you just need to invest in a humidifier for your CPAP machine. It’s also important to note that if the mask doesn’t fit right, an air leak could also cause you to feel dry, so make sure that your mask fits properly as well.


#3. You have trouble tolerating the forced air.

If you’re having trouble getting used to the forced air from your CPAP machine, check to see if your machine has the “ramp” feature. This feature allows you to start with low pressure, which is then gradually increased until it reaches the pressure prescribed by your doctor. If ramping up the pressure doesn’t help, a BIPAP machine may be better suited to your needs, and you should consult your doctor.

#4. You feel claustrophobic when you wear your mask.

This is a sign that you have the wrong style of mask. There are many different kinds of CPAP masks to choose from; some cover your whole face, whereas others are simply nasal masks. If you're feeling claustrophobic, try switching to a different style of mask.

#5. Your CPAP machine is too loud.

If you have an older CPAP machine, you might be surprised at how quiet newer machines are. It’s also important to double check that your noisy machine’s filter is clean and unobstructed, and to make sure that your machine is working properly.

Don’t let common CPAP problems keep you from getting the sleep apnea treatment you need. At CPAP Liquidators, we’re best known for our used BIPAP and CPAP machines, but we have all of the equipment you need. Shop with us today, and stay tuned for our next blog to learn about the last five CPAP problems in our list.