Oct 5th 2016

What You Do During the Day Can Affect How You Sleep at Night

Did you know that what you do during the day can actually impact how well you sleep at night?

In a previous blog, we talked about sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is the routine or set of rituals that helps you wind down and get a good night’s sleep. Although practicing good sleep hygiene is important for improving your sleep, what you do throughout the day can also play a part in how you sleep at night. Here are a few tips for your day that will help you sleep better at night:

#1. Expose yourself to daylight.

Do you work or attend school inside all day long? If so, you need to make it a point to get outside during the day, at least for a little while. Not only does the sunshine and fresh air make you feel good, it can also help you sleep better. Your circadian rhythm relies on daylight exposure in order to remain healthy, and without that exposure, it can negatively affect your sleep/wake cycle.

#2. Work on your to-do list early.

When you have a long list of to-dos waiting for you, it can be difficult to get your mind to truly relax for sleep. Getting your work or chores done early on in the day will help you to rest easier at night. Plus, in the morning, your brain is better primed to take on mental tasks, because sunlight suppresses the sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin.

#3. Avoid naps or take them early in the day.

There’s nothing better than an afternoon nap, but it can really throw off your sleep schedule. You’re better off skipping naps altogether, but if you must take a nap, do so in the morning, and try to keep it short.

What you do during the day can have a huge impact on your sleep at night. If you are having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor before you do anything else. You may have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder, and our used BIPAP and CPAP machines could be the solution you need. Stay tuned for our next blog for more daytime tips to help you sleep better at night.