Aug 26th 2016

What’s Keeping You Up at Night?

Caffeine isn’t the only thing that could be keeping you up at night!

Most people know that drinking caffeine too late in the evening could prevent them from getting to sleep at night, but if you have trouble sleeping, there could be many things to blame. The following is a list of a few of the many things that could be keeping you up at night -- some of them may even surprise you!

#1. Too Much Time Inside

If you work in an office or spend all of your time studying in classrooms, all of that indoor time could be messing with your sleep cycle. An exposure to sunlight will help to strengthen and normalize your circadian rhythms, making it easier to fall asleep at night.

#2. Nightcaps

While it’s true that drinking alcohol will make you feel sleepy, this drowsy effect will only last for a few hours. Once the drowsy effect wears off, alcohol actually stimulates the body, waking you up. If you drink at night, make sure that you stop at least four hours before you go to bed.

#3. Warm Room

Your body’s core temperature drops when you are asleep. In fact, this is actually the signal your brain needs in order to induce sleep. If your environment isn’t cool enough, it inhibits this drop in temperature, which makes it more difficult to both fall asleep and remain asleep.

If you have trouble sleeping chronically, then it’s time to visit your doctor. Obstructive sleep apnea could be keeping you up at night, and our used CPAP and BIPAP machines may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn about more things that could be keeping you up at night.