Sep 2nd 2016

What's Keeping You Up at Night? Part 3

If you suffer from sleep apnea, sleep is already difficult enough to come by!

Investing in one of our used BIPAP or CPAP machines could help you get to sleep at night, but just because you are getting sleep apnea treatment, it doesn’t mean that you will magically start sleeping soundly every night. It is still important to practice healthy sleep habits, and a big part of that is avoiding things that can keep you up at night. In our last blog, we went over many surprising things that could be affecting your sleep. Keep reading to learn more:

#6. Your Screens

Looking at an electronic screen before you go to sleep isn’t a good idea. Whether it’s your cell phone, tablet or television, the light that these electronics emit can interfere with your sleep cycle. Using these screens before bed not only makes it more difficult to fall asleep, it also affects the quality and amount of sleep you get.

#7. Sedentary Lifestyle

Exercise is important for so many aspects of your life, and sleep is no exception. Exercise will help make your body tired enough to relax and go to sleep. When you exercise, a neurotransmitter is released that combats stress and increases relaxation. Exercise during the day also helps to raise your core body temperature, which keeps your circadian rhythms strong and healthy.

The first step to sleeping better at night is to find an effective treatment for your obstructive sleep apnea. Schedule an appointment with your doctor, and shop with us to find the right used CPAP or BIPAP machine for your needs.