Mar 24th 2017

Nighttime Habits That Wreck Your Sleep

Having trouble sleeping? Your nighttime habits could be to blame.

Do you find yourself lying awake at night looking at the ceiling? If so, you’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults don’t get enough sleep. Of course, if you have a sleep disorder, like sleep apnea, it can rob you of your sleep, but your nighttime routine could also be responsible for at least some of the blame. Here are a few of the common nighttime habits that can wreck your sleep:

#1. You surf the web or watch TV.

Any artificial light can make it difficult to fall asleep, but the blue light that comes from our televisions, computers and smartphones is particularly troublesome when it comes to sleep. That’s why it’s best to make it a rule not to look at your computer or smartphone, and to turn off your TV, two to three hours before you plan to go to sleep.

#2. You have a nightcap.

Many people think that having a nightcap is the perfect way to end the day, but it’s not a great idea if you want a good night’s sleep. Alcohol can make you drowsy, which makes it easier to fall asleep. However, it can also disrupt your sleep cycle and cause you to wake up more frequently throughout the night. Alcohol also delays, and sometimes prevents, deep sleep.


#3. You consume caffeine late in the day or evening.

It’s the middle of the afternoon, and you’re so tired that you can barely keep from nodding off. So, you grab a cup of coffee or tea. It’s the middle of the afternoon, that caffeine pick-me-up can’t possibly affect your sleep that night, right? Wrong. Caffeine can stay in your system for hours, and it could be the reason why you’re glaring at your alarm clock at 2 AM instead of actually sleeping.

#4. You have a late-night snack.

If you eat a small snack before you go to bed, it may not affect your sleep, but if you accidentally eat too much, it can wreck a good night’s sleep. This is because, when you eat a big snack or meal, it activates your metabolism and increases activity in your brain. The increased brain activity can sometimes lead to nightmares, and eating too much too close to bed can cause indigestion.

#5. You take naps.

Afternoon naps can give you the energy you need to have a productive evening, but don’t expect them to do anything for you come bedtime. Taking an afternoon nap can rob you of your nighttime sleep, so if you are feeling groggy in the afternoon, opt for going on a quick walk or splashing your face with cold water instead. There are many things that can keep you up; some of them are in your control, like the above habits, while others aren’t, like obstructive sleep apnea. Luckily, if you do have sleep apnea, you have CPAP Liquidators on your side. Shop with us today to save more on used BIPAP and CPAP machines, and be sure to stay tuned for our next blog to learn about a few more nighttime habits that can wreck your sleep.