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The Dangers of Smoking With Sleep Apnea

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Most people understand that smoking is bad for your health. However, if you have sleep apnea, smoking can cause problems with your CPAP therapy as well. CPAP Liquidators is an online CPAP store that offers the best in sleep apnea therapy via our CPAP and BiPAP machines. Learn about the dangers of smoking when you have sleep apnea and are using CPAP machines, and shop online today!

CPAP Therapy Not As Effective

If you are smoking and engaging in CPAP therapy, your sleep apnea therapy won't be as effective. CPAP therapy helps to heal your airways by ensuring they stay open while sleeping. If you smoke, you are essentially undoing all of the good CPAP therapy did over night since nicotine irritates the airways.

Harder to Sleep

Nicotine is a stimulant, which can make it hard to fall asleep at night. It can affect your body's natural circadian rhythm (what determines when you get sleepy at night and when you wake up in the morning). Thus, smoking can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep if you have sleep apnea.

Can Increase Your Chances for Long-Term Health Effects

Both sleep apnea and smoking can cause similar long-term health effects, which include strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and inflammation of the airways. When you smoke and you have sleep apnea, your chances of developing these long-term health effects increase drastically.

Can Make Sleep Apnea Worse

Smoking can also make your sleep apnea worse. This is because the nicotine found in cigarettes relaxes the upper airway muscles and the reflexes, which can cause your airways to narrow or be blocked when you sleep. This is exactly what you don't want and what CPAP therapy helps to eliminate when you sleep.

How to Improve Your CPAP Therapy if You Smoke

If you smoke, you can help improve the results of your CPAP therapy in several ways:

  • Clean your CPAP or BiPAP machine frequently. You'll need to clean your CPAP or BiPAP machine more frequently if you smoke since your lungs and airways will have remnants of smoke, nicotine, and other chemicals from cigarettes, which can dirty and clog your machine.
  • Use hypoallergenic filters. Hypoallergenic filters for CPAP and BiPAP machines catch even the minutest particles and irritants, helping to ensure the air you breathe is clean and fresh.
  • Consider nasal strips. Nasal strips help to keep your airways open, so you can breathe better during CPAP therapy.
  • Use a full face mask. A full face mask makes breathing easier, so if you smoke, you can breathe through your mouth or your nose and stay compliant with your CPAP therapy.


If you are serious about getting the best sleep possible, you should try to quit smoking. Getting support is the best way to quit. We suggest speaking to your doctor about resources that could help.

CPAP Liquidators is a top-rated online CPAP store specializing in CPAP, BiPAP, and APAP equipment and supplies for your needs. From CPAP machines and masks to CPAP pillows, tubing, filters, and more, we've got you covered. We offer the best customer service, so if you have a question about any of our products, CPAP therapy, or prescriptions for CPAP and BiPAP machines, we can help. We offer a wonderful return, exchange, and refund policy if you are not satisfied with your purchase. In addition, our website is a wealth of information about CPAP therapy.

If you are looking for the best CPAP and BiPAP equipment and accessories, simply browse our online CPAP store today!

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