Jun 24th 2017

The Top 10 Most Common CPAP Problems Part 2

Are you new to CPAP therapy and having trouble adjusting to it?

For every new CPAP user, there’s an adjustment period that can be difficult to get past. Many new users experience problems with their CPAP equipment that keep them up at night, but it’s important not to let these problems prevent you from treating your sleep apnea. That’s why, in our last blog, we started going over the first five of the top 10 most common CPAP problems and how to overcome them. Keep reading to learn about the last five.

#6. You can’t get to sleep when wearing your mask.

Most people don’t willingly wear a mask when they go to sleep at night, so it’s no wonder why so many people have trouble adjusting to wearing their CPAP masks. One of the best ways to ease into wearing your mask is by utilizing the “ramp” feature on your machine. It’s also important to make sure that you practice good sleep hygiene every day, which includes exercising, having set bedtimes and avoiding caffeine too close to bed.

#7. Your skin is irritated where the mask sits.

If your mask is irritating your skin, the first thing you should check is how it fits. If the mask is too big, it will rub against your skin when you move, or it might be leaking, which can dry out and irritate your skin. There are also many different products you can use to protect your skin while wearing your mask, such as RoEzIt.


#8. Your nose always feels stuffy after your wear your mask.

Again, the first thing you should do if your nose always feels stuffy after you wear your mask is to make sure that it isn’t leaking. Then, try using the heated humidifier on your machine, if it has one. It’s also smart to use a saline nasal spray before you put your mask on to keep your nose from getting too dry.

#9. You take your CPAP mask off while asleep without knowing it.

If you tend to move around when you sleep, it’s possible that the mask is getting pulled off while you are moving. If that’s the case, switching to a full face mask might help. If the mask is drying you out, irritating your skin or just uncomfortable, it may be the reason you pull it off when you sleep, and you should take whatever steps are necessary to remedy the problem, whether it’s buying a new style of mask or investing in a machine with a humidifier.

#10. You think your mask might be giving you an allergic reaction.

Like in many of the problems we’ve discussed, start addressing this problem by making sure your mask fits properly. What you think is an allergic reaction might be a skin irritation from a mask that doesn’t fit well. Next, consider how often you clean your mask. In most cases, allergic reactions are caused by dirty masks. If you have a latex allergy, you should also make sure that the mask wasn’t made with latex. Most masks available today are made with silicone, but some older versions may still contain latex. 

Turn to CPAP Liquidators today to find the solutions for your toughest CPAP problems. We offer new and used CPAP machines, as well as all of the accessories you need.